EFFECTIVE pest control in Townsville


General Pest Treatment Services

Pests are any organisms, including animals, that can pose a negative impact on humans. Common pests in Australia include cockroaches, ants, mosquitos, bed bugs, silverfish, termites, flies, wasps, rodents, spiders, fleas, and ticks. Pest can find their way into our homes through the smallest openings. They are not only unpleasant to live with, but they can also have an impact on your health and safety. You may know that it is important to treat any pest that has invaded your place, but common home remedies can only help to a certain point. If you have any issues with one (or more) of the above-listed types of pests, we are here to help. Call us on 0456 494 817 and get relieve of any pest that might have invaded your home

Our professional and highly knowledgeable team offers a comprehensive and effective General Pest Treatment option that covers a mixture of pests, including ants, American and Australian cockroaches, webbing spiders and silverfish.

Part of our services is to carry out an in-depth pest inspection to look for any signs of pests. Once a pest has been detected we will then provide you with a variety of treatment options to choose from, which are tailored to your requirements.

German and Brown-Banded Cockroaches Treatment Services

The German Cockroach

Do you have lots of little cockroaches all through the house and no matter what you do you can’t get rid of them? There is a high probability that these are German Cockroaches.

German cockroaches rarely clean themselves and are very prolific breeders. This means they are very difficult to exterminate. They usually start breeding in kitchens or bathrooms but can infest the whole house if left untreated. Female German cockroaches will carry an egg case that can contain 30-40 German cockroaches and can reproduce every 60 days.

German Cockroach pic

PLEASE NOTE – If you believe that your home has an infestation of German Cockroaches, we will need access to all the cracks and crevices of your cupboards where these cockroaches breed. Therefore, we ask that you attend to the following PRIOR to workers attending your home.

  1. Empty ALL kitchen cupboards, pantry etc. All contents can be placed on top of your benches and covered with a sheet or something similar.
  2. Contents of drawers can remain as drawers can be lifted out in their entirety.
  3. Please repeat for bathroom and other cupboard areas of concern (only if also experiencing issues in this area).
  4. This treatment ALSO offers protection against other infestations such as ants, webbing spiders, large cockroaches, silverfish.
  5. This treatment has a 6-month warranty period from application date.

The Brown-Banded Cockroach

This pest is often mistaken for the German Cockroach due to their similar appearance and size (11-15mm). Brown-banded cockroaches have, as their name suggests, light brown bands that run across their body. Brown-banded cockroaches are mostly active during the night and prefer to live in warm and dry areas. They can be found under furniture, around fridges, or in pantries and cabinets.
Cockroaches are known to spread diseases and can trigger allergies and asthma. Don’t just live with these pests. If you have a cockroach infestation, call us on 0456 494 817. Did you know that cockroach treatment differs depending on the cockroach species? Our knowledgeable pest control experts will help you identify the cockroach species correctly, to be able to treat it accordingly.

Image of brown-banded cockroach

Five Interesting Facts About Cockroaches

Cockroaches have a bad reputation as disease carriers, garbage lovers and are known to most likely survive a nuclear explosion.

When taking a closer look at this common household pest’s biology, it reveals that cockroaches are capable of remarkable feats. Here are five facts about cockroaches:


  1. Cockroaches can live up to one week without their heads

It’s a horrible thought, but did you know that if you cut off the head of a cockroach, it can survive for a week? This is because cockroaches breathe through little holes in their body, and rely on clumps of nerve tissue instead of a brain to perform movements. Eventually, the beheaded cockroach would die of thirst, as it requires a mouth to drink.

Cockroach comparison image


  1. Cockroaches are extremely fast

Cockroaches can run up to  1.5m per second in comparison to the human equivalent, which is around 320km per hour. Cockroaches can also use their rear legs to grab a surface and swing their bodies underneath ledges, which helps them to escape predators.

  1. Cockroaches are cannibals

When it comes to food, cockroaches will eat almost anything: from fruit and bread crumbs to glue, faeces and yes, even their own kind. This can be put down to survival. When a cockroach population outgrows its food sources, the creatures will turn on each other in order to survive.

  1. Cockroaches can trigger asthma

You might already know that cockroaches spread diseases like gastroenteritis and salmonella, but did you know they can also trigger an asthma attack? The debris and excrement shed by cockroaches are small and can easily be inhaled, and also contain a protein that can trigger an asthma attack.

  1. Cockroaches love beer

Did you know that cockroaches love to consume beer? A study from the Purdue University revealed that a bread soaked beer captured more than five times the number of cockroaches in comparison to other attractants such as peanut butter. It is thought that it’s the sugar and hops that cockroaches find so appealing.

End-of-Lease Pest Treatment Services

The end-of-lease pest treatment and bond cleaning is a common practice for many real estate agencies, particularly if you own pets. The requirements for your end-of-lease pest control and bond cleaning may differ depending on your tenancy agreement.

In Queensland, the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 outlines, that the tenant must ensure that the rental property is clean, which includes the treatment of any pest that has been found, unless stated otherwise in your agreement.

Although your real estate agency may recommend certain pest treatment and bond cleaning services, you can choose your own provider, which will potentially save you some money.

Our fantastic team at The Flea and Tick Guys will ensure that you will get your bond back if a Townsville pest control and bond cleaning service is required. At The Flea and Tick Guys, you get quality for money and a convenient and reliable service.

When do I need to organise the End-of-Lease Pest Treatment?

Your End-of-Lease Pest Treatment should be completed after your bond cleaning, ideally the next day. The reason for this is that otherwise through cleaning the property any chemicals that are used for the pest treatment might be washed away.

If you are wondering whether you need a pest treatment service, please be aware that not only it will ensure you get your bond back but you also have a duty of care to the next tenants and if you are aware of any issues with pests you should manage it to protect the next tenant from any harm the pests might cause, such as diseases and damage to the property.

Talk to us to discuss our cost-efficient and effective solutions for your End-of-Lease Pest Treatment or to arrange your End-of-Lease Pest Treatment today.

Rodent Treatment Services

Image of rodent in house
Rats and mice are a common city problem. These rodents look for hideouts they can live in, that are close to food and water sources. Not surprisingly, rodents like to reside in our homes. Particularly rats are excellent climbers and swimmers, and there is not much you can do to stop them from moving in with you. Rodents commonly hide in places such as under the floorboards and in the roof of your house, as well as in rubbish bins and sheds. Unfortunately, despite their fluffy looks, these pests can cause considerable physical damage to your property and interior. More concerningly, they are known for carrying and transmitting diseases, leading to severe health issues.

If you have a suspicion that a mouse or a rat invaded your home, you need to act fast. The unpleasant truth is it only takes a short time for these little pests to reproduce. Where you might have suspected a single mouse or rat, you often find sooner rather than later their whole families of multiple generations.


Whilst mice can often be caught using food bait, rats are more difficult to catch as they are more cautious. Fortunately, here at The Flea and Tick Guys we have got you covered. Our experienced rodent experts have great solutions customised to your specific needs. Please do not desperately try to solve your mouse or rat problem alone. Contact us today to find out how we can help you to get rid of your unpleasant rodent housemates for good.

Townsville Pest Control Services for Wasps

Wasps are not necessarily a problem, however, if you have an infestation, they can be a serious concern, particularly if you have children. Wasp stings can be dangerous and hurt. There are different types of wasps in Australia, the three most common ones are:

Paper wasps

These types of wasps can grow up to 2.5 cm and build small nests from eaves with 100-200 individuals. Paper wasps tend not to be aggressive and only sting if feeling threatened. Have paper wasps invaded your property?

paper wasp image

European wasps

European wasps are 1cm to 1.5cm tall and can build large nests of up to 100,000 wasps. Majority of their nests are built underground, only identifiable by a small hole. However, they can also build nests from eaves, in wall voids, roof spaces and under exposed compost, for example. If disturbed, European wasps can be very aggressive, with multiple wasps attacking at the same time. We help treat European wasps.

The best solution for wasp pest control in Townsville is to prevent wasps from building their nests in the first place. If you suspect or identify a wasp nest, call The Flea and Tick Guys on 0456 494 817 to discuss the best solution for a safe wasp treatment procedure. Safety should always be your major priority. You need to consider that wasp nest removal can be difficult, due to the wasps’ defensive behaviour. Fortunately, here at The Flea and Tick Guys we have rapid and reliable products and methods to help you get rid of wasps safely. If you have a wasp issue, let’s discuss our wasp treatment methods in more detail.

Flea and Tick Treatment Services

Flea Image

Flea Treatment Services

Did you know that there are different types of fleas? The most common ones are dog fleas, cat fleas, human fleas, and oriental fleas. Fleas commonly find their way inside your place through your pets. As fleas are very little, they are difficult to spot and by the time you have detected them, they might have already invaded your beloved home. Whilst pet fleas can often be removed with medicated shampoos, this type of treatment, unfortunately, doesn’t work if this little pest has moved in and started nesting. 

Yes, we know it sounds disgusting, but you should be aware that fleas love to make themselves at home in your carpets, floorboards and close to food sources. Once a flea family has moved in and got comfortable, they start to breed and reproduce their young, which is called larvae. Larvae in fact have no legs and thus rely on any food crumbs or dead skin on the floor to eat before they grow into adult-sized fleas. Adult fleas are narrow, small, with longer back legs, and similar to ticks, mosquitoes and vampires they love to drink your blood. Whilst they can’t fly, they are true champions in jumping and very talented in targeting your feet, ankles, and lower legs. If you suspect or know that a flea family has moved in, you came to the right place, because the good news is, there is a flea cure. Say ‘Goodbye to these pesky lodgers today and get in touch with our Townsville pest control team for a professional and effective flea treatment.

Image of ticks

Tick Treatment Services

In Eastern Australia, most commonly tick bites are caused by the paralysis tick Ixodes Holocyclus, which is also known as bush tick or grass tick. Depending on their life cycle, ticks can vary in size from as small as a poppy seed to as large as an apple seed and once fed with blood they can even exceed 1cm in size. Even though ticks live outside in the grass or bush, they are no insects. Ticks are parasites and stay attached to their hosts to feed for several days.

These pests transmit a variety of tick-borne diseases, such as tick paralysis, also known as Lyme disease, and spotted fever, which can lead to severe medical conditions. As ticks pose a serious health risk, it is important to protect yourself and your family. Particularly, if you own a larger property with a paddock, your property adjoins bushlands, or if you own pets. If ticks are on your list of worries, please get in touch with us for professional Townsville pest control and tick treatment.

Commercial Services for Pest Control in Townsville

We also look after commercial buildings, such as big business buildings or warehouses, for example. If you own a business and you have any pest concerns, give us a call on 0456 494 817 . We treat pests such as rodents, cockroaches, fleas, ticks and more. Particularly larger warehouses are at risk of being invaded by pests such as rodents, as they offer a great hiding space. Mice and rats love to eat through carton boxes and can cause immense damage to your stored goods. Avoid extensive costs due to pest damage and get in touch if you have any pest suspicions.

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